I've been putting this blog entry off for quite some time now. I never anticipated that writing about procrastination would have side effects. But as late as yesterday, I came across one last piece of information that perfectly justified my rationalized delay.
It turns out according to an article from Huffington Post ( http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/04/14/procrastination-genes_n_5105862.html?utm_hp_ref=healthy-living ) that one can now officially blame their tendency to put things off, on their genes. How convenient.
In sales, there's generally two types of sales representatives; those who are driven, success-oriented, and organized, are considered type A sales reps. While type B sales reps tend to go with the flow, are late filing paperwork, and they have fooled themselves into believing their free-wheeling "style" will bring success to them. This self-denial means that the best results such a disorganized, procrastinating rep will be able to achieve are just mediocre. More existing clients, and new opportunities are lost by procrastinating, disorganized reps than your company's competition ever takes away.
Having a difficult time figuring out if you are procrastinating sales rep that needs to improve their sales game or not?
Here's a simple test. Today, in the United States, is tax deadline day. Did you remember? Do you have your taxes filed yet? If not, and your consider yourself a sales professional, you are likely a type B sales rep. That stress, panic, and additional pressure you are feeling, simply because you didn't proactively complete your tax task before today, is killing your sales career. And it's killing you too. High blood pressure, ulcers, skin rashes, binge eating of comfort foods, and unhealthy weight gain, are all serious medical conditions that can be caused by, or made more severe by, procrastination.
So sales professionals, if you don't have your taxes done yet, it's time to get organized and get to work. It's also time to give your sales career a good kick in the rear end and start bringing your A game!
To those of you who have had your taxes completed for a long time already, hit the phones hard today, or see as many clients as you possibly can. Why? Two reasons. Your less organized, procrastinating competition won't be making any calls today. They're too busy calling in sick and completing their taxes at home. Their absence will open up a clear path to your prospects. And second, chances are that the prospects you reach today are also organized, goal-oriented and type A personalities who like to get things done. Any guesses as to which type of prospect is easier to do business with?
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